WhatsApp Messaging is Changing

At the end of December we sent an email to all users explaining changes we are making to club WhatsApp groups. This was the content of the email:

During January 2023 we will be making some changes to the EGC WhatsApp groups, and we just wanted to let you know what these changes are and how they will affect the way things will operate.
Firstly, we will be setting up an EGC Competitions Group, which is intended to be for all things relating to EGC Competitions, ranging from general competition information to requesting tee times after sign ups have closed, and withdrawing from competitions. Every member will be added to the group initially and anyone is welcome to remove themselves from the group should they wish. Hopefully this change will make late tee time and withdrawal requests easier to manage and, also allow us to get specific competition information out in a much more efficient way. 
Secondly, the current EGC Communications Group will be changed to an EGC Social Group. The set up will remain the same as the current group, so requests for playing partners if you have a tee time booked, and general social events and issues can still be placed on this group, along with any light-hearted banter on golf related issues.
The guidelines for these groups are attached and will be available on the website, along with some general rules of use, so please read them and abide by the purposes of each group. If you don’t there will be a warning and then removal from the group. Once the groups are set up you will receive a further email a few days before they go live.
Hopefully you will see these changes as a positive move, and whilst there may be short term teething issues, we believe that the long term benefits will be a major plus for the Club.

We intend to add all current members to the new EGC Competitions group starting next week (week beginning 23rd Jan). So at some point you should receive a message on your phone that will look something like this:

Of course, if you do not wish to be a member of the new EGC Competitions group you have the option to remove yourself, but we hope you don’t. We do expect all members to strictly follow the guidelines of this new group and using it correctly should offer real benefits to all of us. You can find our rules and guidelines for using WhatsApp in the HowTos and Guides section of the website. Please read them and follow them while posting messages.