Website Improvements

Well, we hope they are improvements! Having taking note of feedback from the Strategic Review, the website team have been working on some modifications that should help improve the way members get to the information they want – quicker than before. The most obvious difference members of the men’s club will see is that after login, a brand new members-only page will be displayed. There may be further refinements, but it will look pretty much like this (this picture shows the top section only):

New Members-Only page

Features of this page try to ensure you get to the information important to you quicker. Instead of menu options at the top, you click directly on the icons to get where you want to go. These have been placed in popularity order – the Competition calendar is by far and away the most popular page. On the left in the sidebar will be instant views of the latest Tee Times and News Items.

The menu bar at the top is much reduced. One significant new option ‘Member Home’ will always get you back to this new Members page. While the few remaining options not yet listed as icons on the page are under the ‘Misc…’ menu, which is also shown in the sidebar. You can always get back to the Public-facing home page for example, by choosing that option in the ‘Misc …’ menu.

On a phone with a small screen, the page will adapt by placing the items vertically, with the sidebar coming at the end, as in this screen shot:

So, in about a week’s time we intend to make this live. There will be another news item to announce when this has happened, although of course it should be obvious! Please feel free to feedback views on whether this has improved things either before or after the change.